Both kinds of sisters

My great aunts (biological sisters to one another) in 1953, at Edgewood college in Madison, Wisconsin. My Grandmother considered them to be literal living saints. My Grandma and my mom used to say "if they're not going to Heaven, then nobody is". They meant this in all true seriousness and were pious Christians themselves. Sisters Patience and Rosita had a third sister, who was older than them, who was a nun of the order of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


David said...

The order is now called Sinsinawa Dominicans as the Blessed Virgin was sooo offensive to noncatholics.

Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli is spinning in his grave.

David said...

I stand corrected. The Sinsinawa Dominican formerly called themselves the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary.

The Edgewood connection is what threw me off. The Sinsinawas are too busy protesting nuclear arms and escorting women into abortion clinics than to trifle with bothersome beads.