Cardinal Burke to speak in Louisville, Kentucky this weekend

His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
Spiritual Advisor of Eternal Life
“Reform of the Reform”
His Eminence, while Archbishop of St. Louis, founded and built the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, WI, and dedicated this Shrine on July 31, 2008; he has served the Holy Catholic Church always with courage, charity, confidence and Truth. His Excellency was the first American to be appointed (by Benedict XVI) Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, and most recently was elevated as a new member of the College of Cardinals by His Holiness Benedict XVI (November 20th, 2010).
Eternal Life


Anonymous said...

Grrrr! He founded the shrine while BISHOP OF LA CROSSE!!! I know, a little too much pride (maybe!), but come on...

Badger Catholic said...

LOL, I totally missed that Father.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

My condolences to the good people of Louisville.

Badger Catholic said...

SJ: You sure care a lot about liturgical reform for a non-Catholic. Maybe once the Church is unionized you will speak more kindly? Or was it the 2,000 year old teaching on contraception that's got your panties in a bunch?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Badger, I've never known you to be so nasty... and from someone I hoped to meet over lunch some time to have a friendly chat about all this. You obviously haven't ever studied Welsh, or you would know Siarlys is a male name. I chose it for a reason.

I haven't said anything about liturgical reform. I consider Burke to be an avowed enemy of the First Amendment, and some of his attempts to blackmail elected public officials to border on treason. As you may have noticed, I generally stay out of discussions on church architecture, doctrine applicable internal to the church, as distinct from public policy, etc. They are indeed none of my business.

What 2000 year old teaching on contraception?

Badger Catholic said...

SJ, you did let us know already you were a man. I guess I thought it was funny. Of course my wife complains about my Monty Python affections as well.

He must teach what the Church teaches. If you don't like it, you can find another Church. That's like saying that Clarance Thomas is an enemy of the First Amendment because he interprets the Bill of Rights literally. These people are free to leave the Church at any time. Why should the Church be forced to conform herself to their small minded modern political beliefs, which will simply change again when it becomes fashionable?

The whole contracepted marriages are unnatural as the homosexual marriages thing.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Pax et bonum to you and yours. You still miss my point entirely. I have not intention of getting involved with doctrine internal to the church. As I've said many times when they came up on LarryD's site, there is a word for parishioners who want to elect their spiritual leaders and have a voice in church policy: Protestant.

However, I draw the line at threatening people who are currently holding public office that if they don't vote as the church instructs, some threatened action will be taken. At that point, it is not a matter internal to the church. Those are MY representatives, who I perhaps voted for precisely because they promised to support certain policies. The bishop is attempting to coerce them to be HIS personal representatives, or the AGENTS of the church, RATHER THAN true to their oaths to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

That the bishop and his defenders throw up the shield "I'm just following church doctrine" doesn't cut it. If he had excommunicated them before they ran, of after they were out of office said "You can't be a member of the church any more," I wouldn't care. If our government had a "Chamber of Religions" in which there were Catholic seats, Muslims seats, Presbyterian seats, Jewish seats, then he would have every right to depose from office any Catholic representative (and ONLY the Catholic representatives) who did not adhere to church policy and program. But we don't.

I was particularly incensed by the letter he wrote to a Wisconsin legislator saying 'you had an opportunity to advance the agenda of the church, and did not do so.' As I said, that borders on treason. That is awfully reminiscent of the worst-case Red Scare communist infiltration imagery. No legislator, Catholic or not, is elected to "advance the agenda of the church." Period.

Badger Catholic said...

The matter of abortion and communion is that of Canon Law, not of Catholic doctrine. If you think the Church should change the appropriate canons, you should speak with your local bishop. But Cardinal Burke does not have it in his authority to change Canon Law. If their oath of office compromises their conscience, they should resign.

I think anti-Catholic sentiments cloud your issues here. The Know-Nothings said the same thing about those bad papist seeking to make the pope king of American. The reality is some Church teachings are doctrinal, and some are natural. Natural Law applies to the whole of humanity, not just the cranks with blogs.