Paying for college by hooking up with "sugar daddies"

From Pro-Life Wisconsin:
An article in today’s Capitol Times discussed the “phenomenon” of female college students who are paying for college or paying down student debt by hooking up with “sugar daddies” — wealthy men who pay for companionship and sex. The University of Wisconsin is among the national leaders in producing “sugar babies” — young adults willing to provide these services.

Without the wide availability of contraception, none of this would be possible.

All of the vaunted sexual liberation women seem to have these days — “Be in control of your own sexuality! Birth control will set you free!” — has not resulted in male-female equality, at least where sex is concerned.

Read more here.


Kat said...

Essentially, the new twist on the old rich man's mistress. "Sugar babies" is a much nicer name than the other names for selling your body for monetary gain.

For some of these girls, it's either doing this or being a stripper. There's a lot of money to be had in that, if you don't fall into drugs. I'm a bit sorry to say this, but I knew all about this while I was in college; I had friends who did this. There was never anything I could do to convince them otherwise.

Virginia Zignego said...

Not much different than what goes on at frat row actually...

Anonymous said...

What surprises me the most is that these women actually *admitted* it!!

Write 2 The Point said...

This is so sickening to me. I am not surprised by the way our society is going, but really makes me want to vomit

GOR said...

I was reading an article recently about President Sarkozy of France being upset with some representative over the man’s public dalliance with a young girl. The man and girl were interviewed on TV. He looked about 50 and she was a very comely 22-year old model, obviously infatuated with him. I thought: “What does she see in him?” Then it became clear as it was revealed that he was one of the richest men in France. Aha! I thought – a sugar Daddy…

Our male propensity to delusion never ceases – nor does the female propensity to profit from it.