St. Jean-Marie Vianney, ora pro nobis!


Pray for our priests!!


Al said...

A bit of trivia, when he was a seminarian, his Latin tutor was the future 1st Bishop of DBQ, Mathias Loras. According to the story, Loras got so fustrated one day that he slapped Vianney. Vianney became a saint, Loras got exiled to DBQ. They did remain friends however & wrote to each other.

Badger Catholic said...

Very interesting, thanks for sharing Al!

Bill Van Wagner said...

The best part of this story is that in the crypt of the Cathedral in Dubuque, Bishop Loras lies buried beneath a stain glassed depiction of Vianney, whose eyes seem to point down at the Archbishop's resting place. Funny bit of ecclesial irony.