Virginia Zignego on Wisconsin Public Radio tomorrow

Virginia from Pro-Life Wisconsin will be on WPR tomorrow debating debating Sara Finger of the Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health to discuss Pres. Obama's oppressive move to mandate private insurance companies cover contraceptive, direct sterilization coverage.  That is to say that all private insurance holders must pay for other peoples sexual disorders.

Show starts at 7am.  Podcast will be available later here.

WAWH was founded by Tommy Thompson, another... ahem... Catholic pro-abort governor.

I'm certain WPR will be fair and balanced in their moderation

Let's pray for her.


Kat said...

Good luck, Virginia! If I'm awake enough at that time tomorrow morning to think about turning on the radio, I'll listen in.

Virginia Zignego said...

Thanks Kat! Hopefully I am coherent at that time as well.

Anonymous said...

Into the hornets nest Virgina goes. Have fun with the liberals.

Virginia Zignego said...

Everyone needs to Meet Virginia at some point or another!

Kat said...

Wow. Total fail on my comment/question. The moderator took my question and changed it so as to make it seem as though I was saying no co-pays was a good thing.