Pro-abortion mayor of Milwaukee launches "Strong Baby" campaign

From Pro-Life Wisconsin:

As we’ve written before, infant mortality in the City of Milwaukee is among the highest in the nation; black infants are three times more likely to die than white infants.

To combat this alarming statistic, the City of Milwaukee has launched a “Strong Baby” initiative, as reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
The winners of the Strong Baby casting call were breastfed, are up-to-date on immunizations and project “strong baby” qualities, city officials said.

The press conference was upbeat, celebrating healthy babies. But a somber mission was behind the message — that too many other babies in Milwaukee aren’t getting the same strong start. During the press conference, babies giggled and smiled while their mothers bounced them in their arms.

One baby, Madyson Dixon, blew kisses and waved as the mayor recited sobering statistics:

From 2005-2008 the city recorded 499 infant deaths, the mayor said [on average, in just one year, Milwaukee County residents account for 3,528 abortions, or roughly 43% of the state's total abortion figures]. For every 1,000 births, 11 infants died. Black infants were three times more likely to die than white infants [black infants are three times more likely to be aborted as well]. In 2009 an additional 122 infants died; a substantial portion of the deaths were preventable.

Little Madyson Dixon, in pigtails for the press conference, earlier charmed Murphy, the alderman, when he finished his comments. As Murphy turned to leave the podium, the baby blew him a kiss. He reached out for her hand and kissed it.

“This is the best press conference I’ve ever attended,” Murphy said, noting he and his wife five years ago adopted a child from China, and have been learning what it takes to be good parents.

Madyson started waving at six months, said her mother, Kia Brazil, and grandmother, Paula Young. She also loves to blow kisses, and can snap her fingers at 11 months.

The juxtaposition of happy, healthy babies behind a [pro-abortion] mayor reciting statistics about other babies dying was not lost on the parents of the Strong Baby campaign winners.
Apparently only the untimely deaths of “Every child a wanted child” are worthy of mourning. Unfortunately, for mothers and their children, missing from the MJS and the City’s information campaigns is something, anything, about the risks induced abortion has. One of the causes of infant death is preterm delivery. Abortions increase the risk of low birth weight in future pregnancies by a factor of three, and of premature birth by a factor of two.

But really... what do you expect from a city whose health department partners [PDF] with Planned Parenthood to do an AIDS fashion show?

The missing link is hardly a surprise though — the MJS never misses an opportunity to stump for Planned Parenthood, and Mayor Tom Barrett, a pro-abortion Catholic, is consistently endorsed by both Planned Parenthood and NARAL. Don’t women at least deserve the facts?

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