AmP: Mil. gal refusing to "learn the damn prayers" says priests should focus on “Changing Water into Wine”

More from our friendly neighborhood heretic:
Maribeth Lynch, 51, a publisher from the Milwaukee suburb of Elm Grove, said she was “distraught” over the changes and would refuse to “learn the damn prayers.”

“It’s ridiculous. I’ve been a Catholic for 50 years, and why would they make such stupid changes? They’re word changes. They’re semantics,” she said. The priest “spent 40 minutes today on the changes instead of on the important stuff, like changing water into wine.”
continue at Catholic Vote


yoobee said...

Apparently she's forgotten what goes on at Mass. Priests don't normally spend any time on changing water into wine, unless the Gospel reading is the wedding feast at Cana.

GOR said...

It would be funny if it were not pathetic - demonstrating the lack of catechesis and knowledge of the Faith these past 40+ years.

People can't see the forest for the trees and this lady can't even see the trees. All the kerfuffle about the translation demonstrates how people have lost sight of the real meaning of the Sacrifice of the Mass.

At our parish last Sunday Father made a point of saying "...for you and for ALL..." As he is old enough (retired priest) I wanted to ask him if he changed the words of the Consecration back when he celebrated Mass in Latin to " vobis et pro OMNIBUS..."

I suspect he didn't... "A little learning is a dangerous thing!"