Arizona abortion nun awarded at Milwaukee Call to Action conference

Okay I'm behind a bit with a funeral in the family last week.  A group in love with abortion, Call to Action, has their annual conference in Milwaukee every year.  I still have to confirm this, but I believe the infamous Puppet Mass was part of the ... celebration.  This year, they invited the nun who approved of a direct abortion for a woman as a cure for hypertension in an Arizona Catholic hospital. 

From Creative Minority Report:
Excommunicated Sister of Mercy Margaret McBride received the 2011 Call To Action Leadership Award at their annual conference precisely for her role in a decision at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix to abort an 11 week old unborn baby.

She gives a short speech accepting the award where she talks of mercy and forgiveness and bashes the Church in the same breath. Pretty darn disgusting.

FatherZ has more.


Anonymous said...


Not much else to say beyond that. One word says it all.

JD Norris said...

I don't necessarily hear bashing of the church, as I hear that there are flaws within the church--as there always will be-- since it is a human institution that will require the constant cultivation of Her people to sustain Her.

Furthermore, her choice was a difficult, heart-wrenching choice that required tenuous humility and grace. Prayers should be said for her that she did the right thing, and that if not, Gods mercy prevails upon her.