+ Nienstedt releases 28-page Pastoral Letter focused on Sacred Liturgy of the Mass

The Most Reverend Catholic Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, John C. Nienstedt, has written a 28-page Pastoral Letter titled “Do This in Memory of Me”, that focuses on the “Sacred Liturgy” of the Mass, and the Catholic sacrament of Holy Communion. The pastoral letter will be distributed to all clergy and Catholic worshippers in the Archdiocese’s 12 county area.

Archbishop Nienstedt intentionally timed the publication of his initial pastoral letter to precede the implementation of the Vatican’s new form of the Roman Catholic Mass, scheduled to begin on the weekend of November 27, the start of the Advent season.

A pastoral letter, often simply called a pastoral, is a teaching document dealing with key beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith, explaining how these tenets of the faith, based on Christ’s teachings relate to societal problems or fundamental moral issues. The letter is a reflection based upon the bishop’s pastoral, teaching and Christian guidance responsibility.
details at Arch St. Paul & Minn.

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