Pro-abort Catholic Gov. of Illinios meets with Illinios bishops... hmmm

Things were a little weird when Governor Pat Quinn, a Catholic, decided to present a pro-choice award for a pro-abortion rights PAC.

The bishops responded strongly by saying, “This approach is irreconcilable with any honest profession of the Catholic faith. While we deeply regret and oppose his actions, we continue to pray for his conversion and the protection of unborn human life.”

Things got a little stranger when the bishops publicly balked and arranged a meeting with the Governor to discuss Quinn’s “personal approval of laws permitting the killing of unborn children.”

But this weekend, things got downright bizarre.

Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois met with a group of bishops on Friday to discuss the Catholic Governor’s public stances on gay marriage and abortion.

After the meeting, Quinn emerged from the meeting and pretty much told the media that the bishops didn’t lay a glove on him. He held a press conference of sorts saying that the meeting wasn’t really about his support of abortion and gay marriage at all. In fact, according to the Sun Times, Quinn said,
“A lot of the discussion was how we could work together to fight poverty, help the people who are less fortunate and need a helping hand,” Quinn told the Sun-Times as he left a Christmas toy give-away on the Far South Side. “Getting people jobs, helping people who don’t have enough food to eat — that’s what the church’s social mission is all about.”
But what happened next is likely the most surprising turn of events in the entire affair.
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