Some Italian humor

A pregnant Italian woman gets into a car accident and falls into a deep coma. Asleep for nearly six months, she wakes up and sees that she is no longer pregnant. Frantically, she asks the doctor about her baby.

The doctor replies, "Ma'am, you had twins! A boy and a girl. The babies are fine. Your brother Fredo came in and named them."

The woman thinks to herself, "Oh no, not my brother Fredo -- he's an idiot!" Expecting the worst, she asks the doctor, "Well, what's the girl's name?" "Denise," the doctor says.

The new mother thinks, "Wow, that's not a bad name! Guess I was wrong about my brother. I like Denise!" Then she asks the doctor, "What's the boy's name?"

The doctor replies, DeNephew.


Virginia keeps sending me Italian jokes now... Okay here are some more.


Q: How do you shut up an Italian?
A: Tie their hands behind their back.

Q. What does FIAT stand for?
A. Frenzied Italian At Traffic-lights.

Q. How is the Italian version of Christmas different?
A. One Mary, one Jesus, and 32 Wise guys.

Q. Why is it that most Italian Men are called Tony?
A. When they boarded the boat to America, they stamped To NY [Tony] on their foreheads...

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