Catholic Miss America

“Are you a real princess?” the student at Blessed Sacrament School in Milwaukee asked Laura Kaeppeler.With a sparkling crown atop her head, Kaeppeler did look princess-like, but her actual title is Miss Wisconsin 2011. She won the state pageant in June and will compete for the Miss America title in Las Vegas on Jan. 14, 2012.

As Miss Wisconsin, Kaeppeler, 23, said her role is focused on service. She developed a program in Kenosha for supporting children who have parents in prison, called Circles of Support, and her platform issue is mentoring children of incarcerated parents.

“Having a parent incarcerated is an experience I can relate to,” said Kaeppeler, whose father was sentenced to a year in federal prison for a white-collar crime when she was a teenager. “Kids in this situation can feel very alone. I didn’t think anyone knew how I was feeling when it happened to me, so I tell them that I’ve been in your shoes; I can understand what you’re experiencing.”

A Kenosha native, Kaeppeler attended St. Therese Elementary School and St. Joseph High School both in Kenosha.
continue at MilCatHerald

The article is from back in November, Laura went on to win Miss America. 


1 comment:

Carolyn said...

My roommate & her family knows Laura & her family - they went to the same high school & go to the same parish where Laura also cantors at Mass. Go Wisconsin!