Shock and awe

Matt and I think y'all are ready for six posts today... Matt is especially fond of Picture #2 #3.

Update, 3:47 pm. Found one more that the Internet needs to see. Saw this in NYC -- it's a promo TV ad. I agree, but with the stipulation that men are emotional Indian givers.

The Coming Undone:

From Facebook:

New Berlin police broke up a gang of teenagers stealing bass mailboxes. I would love to see one of these while I'm out and about.


Badger Catholic said...

This could be someones life story. Emotional kung-fu finally meet the right person, wedding, drinking, having kids, picking up the kids from jail after stealing fish mailboxes....

Larry Denninger said...

Or maybe: dating leads to wedding, and then marriage leads to drinking, which then leads to stealing bass mailboxes to support drinking habit. It could happen.

Virginia Zignego said...

Who knew the male aversion to marriage started that early? The poor little guy looks horrified.