Happy Candlemas!


Candlemas in the Ukraine
Virgin of the Candelaria
Occursus Domini


Anonymous said...

oh wow, the Byzantine thing is getting contagious!

I really have to respect a blog that gets 1000s of hits a day but still takes the time to put in something for 1 individual reader!

Badger Catholic said...

LOL, okay those were monthly stats, not daily! If I were in the 1000s it would be time for me to quit my job and setup some ads, LOL.

I have a friend who now lives in Milwaukee who was Byzantine Rite(Ukrainian). It's beautiful and if there was a community in the area I would be tempted.

Anonymous said...

There actually was at one time (like 100 years ago) a Byzantine Rite parish in LaCrosse, there was also one near Kenosha.

Now we have the 2 churches in Milwaukee (one Melekite, one Ukrainian) and just recently the Romanian-Byzantine monks that re-located from out west to the GB diocese.

Badger Catholic said...

Yes, I have done some research on Our Lady of Lourdes Melkite parish in La Crosse which was consolidated some years ago as well.