MJS: Catholic affairs journalist John Allen to speak in Milwaukee

John Allen, left, shakes hands with Pope Benedict XVI.
Vatican journalist John L. Allen Jr., considered a preeminent authority on the global Roman Catholic Church, will speak on its future at 7:15 a.m. Feb. 29 at the Milwaukee Athletic Club. The breakfast lecture, sponsored by Cardinal Stritch University’s Saint Clare Center for Catholic Life, is the third in a four-part series on faith and work.

Allen has authored several books on the Catholic Church, his most recent, “A People of Hope,” an extended interview with soon-to-be cardinal and former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan. The upcoming lecture, “Are You Ready for the Challenges of the Roman Catholic Church in the 21st Century?” will draw from his 2009 title: “The Future Church: How Ten Trends are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church.”

Cost is $25 or $200 for a table of eight. Reservations can be made online at www.stritch.edu/faithandwork, or by calling 410-4340. The athletic club is at 758 N. Broadway.
MJS FaithWatch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His minsunderstanding of the reform of the reform (to say nothing of traditionalism) is breathtaking.

This event is a must miss.