Why I voted for Ron Paul in 2008 and will do it again in 2012

The Wisconsin Republican primary is April 3.  I do not post a whole lot on national politics here.  But since the primary is coming up and a few people have asked I'll share with you my thoughts.

I'll try to briefly make my point.  Despite the fact that I think Rick Santorum is a good Catholic and a good man, that doesn't make him a good politician. For example, he voted for the No Child Left Behind Act doubling the size of the Department of Education.  And despite the feel good story of the Partial Birth Abortion ban, let me ask you; how many people have been prosecuted for committing partial birth abortions?  I'm glad the issue brought to light the brutal secrets of the abortion industry, but the legislation contains pretend exceptions which render is practically speaking, useless.  Ron Paul has a real plan for ending abortion immediately.  We get all giddy when a president reverses the Mexico City policy; is that really the best we can do?  Is that all a pro-life president can do?  None of the other candidates will limit the size or scope of the federal government and put the power back in the hands of the states where it belongs.  If Paul doesn't get the nod, fine, I'll support one of the other three.  But don't blame me when a "conservative" Republican can't balance the federal budget any better than a liberal can, or when their hands are tied to promote pro-life legislation.  As we have already seen, this monster that Bernardin Catholics have created in Washington has now turned on us.  It's up to the next generation of Catholics to undo the damage and bring back the sanity of subsidiarity. 



Anonymous said...

So those newsletters don't bother you?

Badger Catholic said...

Do I think Ron Paul is a racist? No.
Do I think he's the perfect candidate? No.
Do I agree with every one of his positions? No.
Do I think he's the only one who understand the need to limit the role of the federal government so state sponsored programs(like social security) can finally become viable. Yes.
Do I think he's the only actual pro-life vote...... yep.

Darla Meyers said...

We will not end abortion until we end the contraceptive mentality. This is from February 16, 2012:

Santorum defends moral versus political stance on contraception while caught in crossfire of super PAC supporter's 'bad joke' - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

"...I mean, the bottom line is my position is very clear. I've had a -- a consistent record...of supporting women's right to have contraception. I've supported funding for it. ..."

"...But the issue of contraception, that's not the case. It's something that people have a right to do in this country. And it certainly will be safe to do so under the Santorum presidency. ..."


If we fight so hard to stop the HHS mandate because it is against the Magisterial Teachings of the Catholic Church and unacceptable, then we cannot accept a candidate that is wrong about the same. Voting for the lesser of two evils still gets us evil.

Virginia Zignego said...

I knew I blogged here for a reason!:)

Badger Catholic said...

Yes, and I think the media has perpetuated this into a pro/anti-contraception issue, when the real issue is the HHS has no right to do any "mandate" whatsoever on private companies and citizens. Paul called social issues a "losing position" but in the context that they are all missing the point completely. He doesn't oppose taxpayer funded abortion and contraception because it is immoral per se, but because it is against the principals laid down in the founding documents of the country.

William said...

Why I'm for SANTORUM:

Do I think he is a racist? No.
Do I think he's the perfect candidate? Not necessarily, but perhaps.
Do I agree with every one of his positions? Probably Not but certainly most.
Do I think he's the only one who understand the need to limit the role of the federal government so state sponsored programs(like social security) can finally become viable. No.
Do I think he's the only actual pro-life vote...... YES.

Anonymous said...

"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.." - POPE JOHN PAUL II
Isn't voting for Paul a waste of a vote? Why not vote for someone who has a chance [against Obama]? Aren't you playing right into the devil's hand? Neither would Romney be the victor against our current leader, unless he plans on paying everyone off. He's not a True Conservative. The only hope and it's a big hope, for eliminating Obama in 2012, is Rick. Here is a good article some of your readers might like. The Santorum forum pt XII: A Santorum-Obama 'contraception debate' I'd like to see. Thanks for posting the pics of Santorum at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Jeanette O'Toole
Adoration for Santorum
Silent Souls for Santorum

Badger Catholic said...

I believe in the democratic process Jeanette. I don't accept the premise of a throw away vote. I'm sure you agree that a Catholic is not obliged to vote for a Catholic on that basis alone. I'm not looking for the "True Conservative" candidate, only the most pro-life.