Rasmussen: WI Primary: Romney 44, Santorum 34

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds Mitt Romney with a 10-point lead over Rick Santorum.

The survey found 44 percent of likely GOP primary voters favored Romney, while 34 percent backed Santorum. Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul were supported by 7 percent each.

A week ago, a Rasmussen poll had Romney up 46-33.

This week's survey of 717 likely GOP primary voters was conducted Thursday and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

I think it's likely that Romney would pick Catholic Marco Rubio as his VP.

In 2008 it looked like this:

John McCain 224,755 54.74% 34
Mike Huckabee 151,707 36.95% 6
Ron Paul 19,090 4.65% 0

Romney had already dropped out prior to the Wisconsin Primary.

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