I just found out I'm a "providentialist"

From a comment from BigTex over at AmericanCatholic
Lastly, I think you (and Ike) have an incomplete understanding of NFP and the Church’s teaching here. It sounds as if you believe we are supposed to be providentialists (think Duggars) when it comes to our family sizes and situations. Rather, NFP when taught with the mind and heart of the Church emphasizes prayerful discernment. The language used in the CCL course is specific: postpone/achieve pregnancy, as opposed to (what seems to be your main thrust in this discussion) prevent pregnancy.
The AC article is a good read, it has to do with a WaPo piece on rebranding NFP for Catholics so its... I don't know, cooler.  Definitely worth a read, and already like 150 comments.  I think a good discussion though. 

HT Brian H