My home parish

Yes, a pole shed.

This is alot better than it used to be.  They used to have the fake wood paneling on the back wall

When they need more room, the cafeteria is opened to the church
The guitars.....
St. Mary's Church, Houston, MN. There is a very small Carmelite monastery down the road. I've always wondered who it was that prayed for my conversion, maybe one of the Carmelites.  I will find out in heaven. Where I'm sitting in this last picture is where I was sitting one fateful Sunday morning.  I was extremely hung over but like a "good" German-Irish Catholic I didn't let a little thing like that from stopping me from going to Mass.  The DRE was up after Communion asking .... no literally begging ... for teachers.  He was a man that had a significant speech impediment and I was amazed that he was driven enough to serve the church to be up in front of all these people.  He also had lead the choir for a while(before the guitars), not because he wanted to, but because there was no one else willing and he wasn't going to let a little thing like his own limitations get in the way.  Anyway, I was convinced, or rather totally guilted into it, and I went over after Mass.  I taught the Confirmation class there for 5 or 6 years, and was DRE myself for half that time.  When I decided to teach, I realized I had to actually learn what the Church taught, and then the terrible reality of having to practice what I preach.  It was definitely a gradual process, but eventually seemed to do some good.

Once I told a friend this story and she laughed and said, I'm glad to see that catechesis has gotten to the point where we are getting the drunks in the back of church to teach our children.  LOL


Anonymous said...

Nice story, and good for you!

It is a rather 'plain' place - but I like these 'plain' churches.
It's nice to see folks turning out for the 'real' reasons.

Anonymous said...

Your home parish isn't much different from St Kevin's in Melrose. Only, I think they still have the ugly fake wood paneling around. While St Kevin's isn't a very visually inspiring place, they have a very good fall church diner.

Also, love the comment about 'getting the drunks in the back of church to teach." I'll be laughing about that for a few days.