Old St. Mary's, Milwaukee, Take Two

Matt posted pictures back in January of Old St. Mary's Church in Milwaukee. He wondered if the church still looked the same. Since I live in walking distance, and was finally home this weekend, I stopped in and captured pictures. This is a beautiful church (I do wonder, though, what lies beneath that lovely blue carpet). Enjoy!

The exterior is the same.

Clock was right on time. 

Communion rail remains as well.

The old confessionals?


Badger Catholic said...

Jaw dropping! Incredible, great work!!!

William said...

Splendid! ...but put the candles on the gradin where they belong and do something about the ironing board.

William said...

Splendid! ...but put the candles on the gradin where they belong and do something about the ironing board.

Virginia Zignego said...

And the carpet. While the blue color is better than most... I would love to see the marble/wood underneath.

Anonymous said...

I was last there in 2004. It softened my disappointment/disgust after viewing the "Supreme Wreck-o-vation" of the Milwaukee cathedral a few blocks away.

Virginia - 100% agreement on the carpet.