Eau Claire doctor: “I don’t prescribe contraception in my practice. I never have.”

Birth control is a hot topic across the nation right now.

You’ve seen politicians dive into the debate as well as religious leaders.

In fact, the department of health and human services recently finalized a birth control mandate.

We have a unique perspective; that of a local doctor who has balanced her catholic faith and her practice.

Doctor Mary Keuhl[Kuehl] takes her religion seriously; it defines who she is, a catholic[sic] doctor.

“My faith is part of everything I do whether out in the community or parenting at home or in my profession as a family practitioner,” said Dr. Mary Keuhl.

The mandate requires employers or their insurance companies to cover birth control and plan B, commonly known as the morning after pill. But that goes against Keuhl’s current practice and beliefs.

“I don’t prescribe contraception in my practice. I never have. I’m encouraging natural family planning as a way of women using their own cycle,” said Dr. Mary Keuhl.
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