Hey Girl, It's Paul Ryan: Tuesday Edition

Sooooo Matt and his fam are on vacation all week. You all are stuck with me! Since I'm manning the ship, I'm posting one of these every lunch hour this week. Stay tuned if you think I'm kidding. Image.

S.E. Cupp recently interviewed Rep. Ryan about his budget proposal, regarding the "push-back he received from the Conference of Catholic Bishops and some scholars at Georgetown University, who asserted that it was contrary to Catholic teaching." The interview is online at Townhall, here.

S.E. Cupp: Do you draw a distinction between the tone Catholic scholars at Georgetown took with your budget and the tone of the Catholic Church writ large?
Paul Ryan: I’ve been making a serious effort to explain how the truths of Catholic social thought impact our budget, claiming neither a monopoly on the social teachings nor that persons of good faith must agree with every application of my beliefs to specific policy questions. I have invited those with different views to dialogue about the facts. Pope Benedict’s example of charitable debate with politicians, philosophers, scholars and clergy outside of the faith should inspire our own Catholic dialogue on how the Social Magisterium furthers the common good and well-being of all Americans.

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