Marquette's own Dan Maguire attempts to talk Catholic Social Teaching on WPR

I couldn't link directly to the show, but below are the details from their website.  No permalink for some reason.  So let's review a little bit about Dan Maguire
And this was honestly the best person WPR could find to discuss Catholic teaching?  Someone who disagrees with all of it? 

6:00 AM

Joy Cardin  - 120430A
Members of the Catholic faith[does Dan Maguire count as a member?] say Congressman Paul Ryan is misusing the church's teachings to defend his budget proposal. After six, Joy Cardin's guest discusses why he says the Ryan plan would hurt the poor and vulnerable, and what a more genuine Catholic approach would look like.

And on this week's Wake-Up Call, Joy's guest says many of our computers could lose internet connections in July, thanks to a virus-related scam...but help is out there.

Guest: Dan Maguire, Professor of Ethics, Marquette University. Recent piece:
Wake-up guest: Mike Masino, Information Security Program Director at Madison Area Technical College.

1 comment:

thepalmhq said...

I've written up my thoughts about Professor Maguire's schtick on WPR: