Gershom: Catholic, Gay and Feeling Fine

"So, yes, it’s hard to be gay and Catholic — it’s hard to be anything and Catholic — because I don’t always get to do what I want. Show me a religion where you always get to do what you want and I’ll show you a pretty shabby, lazy religion. Something not worth living or dying for, or even getting up in the morning for...."

"Actually, the only time I get shock or disgust or disbelief, the only time I’ve noticed people treating me differently after I tell them, is when I tell someone who supports the gay lifestyle."
Whole thing at Matt Fradd blog

ht Ray


Anonymous said...

A slightly huge error! Your post lends the impression that Mr. Fradd is the one who is gay. I checked the link and it is apparent that Fradd is merely posting an article written by Steve Gershom. Mr. Gershom is the one to whom the first-person article refers.

And it's Fradd, not Fraud. Another understandable but potentially damaging error.

Anonymous said...

OK. Perhaps I should suggest that the post title read, "Gershom: Catholic, Gay, and Feeling Fine".

I realize it is from Fradd's site, but the post is actually Gershom's writing.