
For Greater Glory will be showing in La Crosse this week at Marcus Theaters

I'm going to be guest posting on the Creative Minority Report occasionally over the next month or so.

Fishwrap posted a pro-life marathon runner story out of South Dakota!

Did you know that De Paul University in Chicago has the highest student population of any Catholic college in the US?  Saint Louis University is third on the list.  Interesting stats over here.


Larry Denninger said...

Gratz on the CMR gig. Looking forward to what you will be writing. this Bad Boy getting the gig, or Virginia? Kinda hoping it's Virginia...

Badger Catholic said...

Since I rarely write my own posts, it will be a new experience, haha.

True story, any of our posts that have gotten linked to by CMR have almost always been Virginia's post.

Kat said...

Don't get too excited about the Fishwrap. It's a Catholic News Service story, and it seems they post all of them. Plus the comments are full of the tired "Pro-life people only focus on abortion" meme.

Congrats on CMR! Make sure you're funny, and try not to mention the Supreme Court ruling ... they seem a bit touchy on that, and I wouldn't want to set off another week of "democracy is dead" stuff.

Badger Catholic said...

I did see it was CNS but I was still surprised.

Hahaha, I was going to try to be palatable. Maybe I'll dig up an old Polka Mass post and start with that.

Anonymous said...

A lot of Polish immigrants send their kids to DePaul for a Catholic education, the kids usually end up atheists, new age, or at best spirit of Vatican II 'church needs to change' liberal Protestants in all but name/ moral relativists, by the end of freshman year. I have never met a DePaul student or graduate under about 55 who wasn't pro-gay marriage.

Badger Catholic said...

So it's not just the Jesuits who are pro-gay marriage...

Anonymous said...

As per CMR, don't forget to do a shameless post on the glories of Catholic Wisconsin. Remember our Catholic tradition goes back to the French Jesuits of the 1600s. When Fr. Marquette discovered the upper Mississippi he named it "the River of the Immaculate Conception." S. Juneau, the founding father of Milwaukee was also one of the founders of the first Cathedral. We have wonderful Marian shrines at LaCrosse, Holy Hill, and near Green Bay. The only place in the USA visited by the Virgin Mary is Wisconsin. We are the home state of Cardinal Burke and adopted home of Cardinal Dolan. Milwaukee, nickname "the city of steeples", boasts a magnificent basilica, the oldest continuously operating Catholic seminary (I think), and a glorious basilica. Even Marquette University can claim the 600 year old Joan of Arc Chapel, JRR Toileken's LOTR manuscripts, and I think there was some kind of connection to the 'Exorcist'. When he he was Archbishop of Krakow, the future John Paul II visited Stevens Point. Old St. Mary's and St. Francis Seminary both have some art donated by King Ludwig of Bavaria. I think the Packers are the only NFL team with a Catholic Chaplain, and they have had several devout Catholic coaches and have that Bishop's charity pre-season game. We have the "Holy Land" region and towns like Marytown and Holy Cross. The motto of Old Style Beer is (was?) "Brewed in God's Country." The Friday fish fry tradition is epic.

It truly seems like no where else in the USA was the soil more fertile for replicating the various traditional old world Catholic cultures than Wisconsin.

Steve said...

I wonder what people outside of Wisconsin would think about a polka Mass. I suspect it would look something like this:

Badger Catholic said...

Nicely put Anon!