"¡Viva Cristo Rey!" - update

This is the incorrupt body of Blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio, martyered during the Cristero War in Mexico in 1928 at the age 14. 84 years later his body is free from any sign of decomposition. He was among 90,000 Catholics that were killed for their faith during this war. His last words were "Que Viva Cristo Rey!"

Update: It's a "hoax".

The remains of Bl. José Luis are cremated and this is a mannequin of what he would have looked like.  (I'm not sure how I feel about the mannequin, seems kind of tacky....  On the other hand, it does help pilgrims visualize the event, maybe a painting or an upright statue would help clear the confusion. )  Below are the real remains of Bl. José Luis being venerated.  (thanks Carlos!)


Anonymous said...

Hey Matt!

That is a manequin, Jose Luis was cremated. I was at that church, let me look up the photo of the urn.

Badger Catholic said...

Hmm, I've gotten hoaxed a couple times now this past month... Thanks for the heads up.

Father G said...

Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río was not cremated. His bones are kept within the silver reliquary shown in the photo above. The following link shows a photo of his skull with the bullet hole: http://beatojosesanchezdelrio.com.mx/galerias-del-beato-jose-sanchez-del-rio/beato-jose-sanchez-del-rio/