Roundup Rockout

Mandatory overtime.  My sentiment for sticking it to the man for keepin me down is growing.  On the up side, I'm learning Flex.  Once we have the house paid off, it's time to start my own business.  Seriously, that is my plan.  Being a slave to a mindless system is not how work is supposed to be. 

Very sad with that shooting out in Colorado.  Miserere nobis!

I wanted flaming guitars, but it looks like this priest is too wimpy to include them in his "Hard Rock Mass." It seems to me that I slightly remember as an adolescent attending a Mass like this near Oshkosh.

Looks like there is plenty of video of Father Jony out there on Youtube to conclude that he wasn't just on the losing end of a terrible bet.

Cardinal Burke support Versus Populum over Ad Orientem? Interesting article over at Catholic Culture.

Okay I'll leave it at that for today.  I'm working on some politics posts.  Also some CMR posts.  


Jessica said...

Ugh, we had or I guess I should says Steve had one of those kind of work weeks too! I'll stick with we since we are all affected by the mindless working for the man nonsense! blah blah blah, you have the same plan as us!
I'm not sure I can pick my jaw up from that video, wow talk about appalling!
Enjoy your weekend!

Badger Catholic said...

We need a support group! Hahaha. Enjoy your weekend too!

Cassandra said...

I don't buy the article at Catholic Culture. I very much doubt Burke said that Versus Populum promotes "transparent devotion". Mirus is taking too far a paraphrase of a journalist. I emailed CNS to find out from the writer what Burke *actually* said, but have gotten no response other than an auto-reply.

*No* one has ever said that the priest facing the people leads to transparency. What I think Burke probably said was that when priests say *both* rites, THAT leads to "transparent devotion" because the priest is focusing on offering the sacrifice and not focusing on an ideological viewpoint between the two rites.

But that doesn't make for good Novus Ordo press.

With Burke back in WI for the next month, maybe someone should ask him in a reception line.

Matt said...

was that weird al?

Badger Catholic said...

Haha, nice catch, he could be Weird Al's brother.