CMReport: The Bishops Were Wrong On The Ryan Budget

In the wake of the selection of Paul Ryan as the VP nominee, you will be hearing a lot about how Ryan is a bad Catholic because the Bishops criticized the Ryan budget plan.

Let me cut to the chase, the Bishops were wrong.

The text of the letter issued by the Bishops gets the basics wrong and completely ignores the immorality of continued debt. They say...

On behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I write to urge you to resist for moral and human reasons unacceptable cuts to hunger and nutrition programs. The committee has been instructed to reduce agricultural programs by an additional $33.2 billion. In allocating these reductions, the committee should protect essential programs that serve poor and hungry people over subsidies that assist large and relatively well-off agricultural enterprises. Cuts to nutrition programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will hurt hungry children, poor families, vulnerable seniors and workers who cannot find employment. These cuts are unjustified and wrong. If cuts are necessary, the committee should first look towards reducing and targeting commodity and subsidy programs that disproportionately go to large growers and agribusiness

Except those draconian cuts they fear are not cuts at all, but reductions in growth from the projected baseline budgeting planned growth. To suggest that these are real cuts is disingenuous.

Further, this letter does not address the real problems facing America, rather the Bishops sit on their high horses while simultaneously sticking their heads in the sand.

This massive accumulating debt has real consequences, and those consequence will be disastrous for the very poor the USCCB pretends to be concerned about. 
continue at NCRegister


I think it's time we asked how many employees the USCCB has working in their social justice office, as opposed to how many employees they have working in their pro-life office. 


Kat said...

The answer seems to be a ratio of 7:2, based on the "Who we are" pages on the USCCB website. However, it should be noted that the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities has 8 employees and the Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development Staff (I assumed that's what you meant) has two, with the other 26 employees involved in particular programs.

Anonymous said...

Using the logic of, "are not cuts at all, but reductions in growth from the projected baseline budgeting planned growth", Obama's Medicare 'cuts' are not cuts at all.

There goes that talking point.

M.K. Schumacher said...

Bishop Morlino discussed Ryan's budget on EWTN back in May. His Excellency refers to Ryan as a "fine Catholic gentlemen" who exercises "sound prudential judgement." Bp. Morlino never endorses Ryan's budget, since that is not his authority as Bishop, but does clarify that Ryan's ideas do not contradict Catholic teaching.

Skip to 3:49

Anonymous said...

When will these bishops figure out that government welfare is NOT charity?

Can't they see that God intended poor people to go to church looking for a helping hand, not a godless government?

There are real people that I KNOW that are staunch socialist supporters precisely because in their time of need it was a government program that helped them - not the church. Guess what? They are well employed and don't give a red cent to a church but pro-abortion politicians will get their every vote!