Cdl George on avoiding crowds and cancer treatment

What is a crowd? This week, the doctors told me to avoid crowds because there are periods in the treatment of cancer with chemotherapy when the immune system is low. Even a common cold can become an uncommon danger. Avoid crowds.

Are three people a group and twelve people a crowd? No matter how the question is answered, my public schedule has been reduced. More than ever, one comes to appreciate the forms of presence that don’t depend on physical proximity. In faith, we believe that we are always surrounded by persons who are invisible: Jesus and his friends who are also ours, the angels and saints. A constant reminder of this invisible world we all inhabit is the promise of so many prayers that now sustain me. I am grateful that we are never alone.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI
Archbishop of Chicago
Arch Chicago


also of interest: Cardinal George: ‘Society Will Be The Worse For It’ If Gay Marriage Legalized

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