New PLW intern takes on UW's "Sex Out Loud"

Kristin Van Spankeren is Pro-Life Wisconsin’s college intern at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This week, she’ll bring us a reflection on her efforts to build a Culture of Life at a very pro-abortion campus.

Today while doing homework at the UW’s Union South, I noticed a display table behind me for the registered student organization, Sex Out Loud. Although I knew I would disagree with their mission, I truly did not know what the organization does for students (other than give out free condoms to any passerby, that is). I decided to walk over and have a chat.

I was handed a brochure with a colorful presentation of condoms on the cover, and I asked what the group was all about. I learned that Sex Out Loud’s mission is “to promote healthy[aka dysfunctional] sexuality through sex-positive education and activism.” My peer also emphasized that sex is a “personal choice[like suicide],” and that students have the right to choose to be sexually active[and funded by taxpayers]. Once that choice is made, Sex Out Loud is there to walk them through the “safe sex” process[safe from what I wonder], such as choosing the “best” birth control option for each student. [birth?  Why does birth have to be attached to sex?  It's almost like somebody designed sex to be "inconvenient"]
“But what about abstinence?” I asked. “Isn’t that a choice? What do you teach about choosing to not have sex?”
continue at Pro-Life Wisconsin


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This edited piece is terrible.I would hope from people regardless of their spiritual or personal background, to be genuine and open about their concern, not judgmental and with inflammatory edits that have little substantial merit (it's always the taxpayers). This blog makes me incredibly sad.