Paul Ryan in Waukesha Monday

Wisconsin Congressman and Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan will be in Waukesha on Monday for a rally at Carroll University, his campaign announced Thursday.

Ryan will speak at the school's Van Male Field House, 227 N. Barstow St., with doors opening at 7 a.m. and the program starting at 8 a.m.

Reserve tickets and RSVP are available at Tickets may also be picked up at the Waukesha Victory Office, 1701 Pearl St., Waukesha. More information is available by calling (608) 535-9307.

Ryan's visit follows a scheduled appearance Friday by Vice President Joe Biden at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Doors at the Cartwright Center open at 11:30 a.m. for the event.


Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the debate but seen and heard on the fox news station some of what happened, I believe Joe Bidden really showed what a jerk he really is, if this is what people like, then our country is really in a lot of trouble. Bidden was rude, arrogant, and disrespectalbe. He is showing what a noncatholic he really is.

Darla Meyers said...

I wonder about the potential scandal Ryan may be causing by promoting the culture of death in the rape, incest and "life" of the mother pro-death exceptions? If Ryan agrees with Romney, and presumably he does, how "catholic" is Ryan? And, I believe Ryan may have misspoke when he said Romney "only" has exceptions for rape, incest and "life" of the mother. My understanding is that Romney has "health" of the mother exceptions, which essentially is the same as Obama/Biden in that "health" of the mother allows abortion through all 9 months and beyond. Deo Gratias!

Badger Catholic said...

I do not want to justify the terrible position Romney has on the matter. But from Ryan's perspective, he could just refuse the VP and go his separate ways, or get in office and fight to change the culture. Things would be worse with a Rubio or someone like that as VP. If someday elected president, Ryan would have a 100% pro-life platform. That to me seems like something worth working towards. Ryan will have to fight with all the "pro-life" groups in Washington like National Right to Life for example. The absence of Ryan with another RINO would not do any good.

Darla Meyers said...

There is always danger in speculating or making presumptions about the future. One could even say speculation is superstitious. We can only judge actions, not words. There is potential scandal in aligning with someone who believes that abortion is allowed in, essentially, all circumstances, no matter how words are spoken to potentially deceive. Ryan appears to have acquiesced, compromised, is lukewarm. If there wasn't a potential scandal with public perception, why the outrage with Obama (and Romney) with Cardinal Dolan? Ryan is already in office, so he's already in a position to "change the culture." All the "ifs" and "buts" in the world can't erase the potential public scandal of the perception that someone is compromising or lukewarm. We don't "win" with Romney/Ryan--we lose. And preborn children will continue to lose--their lives.

Badger Catholic said...

I'm not saying I disagree, but then what is the alternative?

Darla Meyers said...

There is a simple way to send a We’re Not Going to Take It Any More message to the Republican Party. There has been an obvious infiltration of the Republican Party by Democrats in Republican Sheep’s clothing. How do we, as Catholics and Christians, deal with similar situations? When the mega-Planned Parenthood abortuary was being built in Texas, some contractors boycotted and would not participate in building an Auschwitz under another name. Chances were very good that the killing center would still be built by those who were willing to violate their consciences, but that did not matter to the courageous contractors who refused to violate their consciences and help build something that would murder helpless children. It didn’t matter that those contractors may lose the earthly battle. What mattered is that they did the right thing. Anyone who boycotts a company because of their affiliations with pro-abortion or pro-sodomy organizations knows that their little sacrifice is not that much in the Grand Scheme of Things—but we boycott nonetheless, because our consciences tell us that if we can, we should boycott by withholding money and support and encourage others to do the same.
Now we have the Republican Party demanding that their “customers” accept their company’s product—candidates that have stated publicly that they will not adhere to the (good) Republican Party Platform. What are our choices when we boycott? The majority of the time we can find a product that is similar to the one we’re boycotting—a “company” that doesn’t violate our consciences by aligning with anti-Catholic entities. In the case of candidates who will violate our well-formed consciences by voting for them, what other candidates may there be? And if there isn’t a candidate on the ballot, the write-in line is there for a reason. What better way to send a message to the Republican Party that we are boycotting their “product” by saying We will not violate our consciences by voting for anti-Catholic, pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, pro-socialist candidates. Until enough of us send a voting message to the GOP, we will continue to be asked to violate our consciences by voting for candidates who are anti-Catholic. We may not win an “earthly” battle, but we will have tried. For me, I refuse to sell my vote for 30 Pieces of Silver.

We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a hundred thousand tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence!~~St. Catherine of Siena

If people are scandalized at the Truth, it is better to allow the birth of scandal, than to abandon the Truth.~~Pope St. Gregory the Great

"... So we choose the lesser evil, thinking we have been saved from the great evil, when all the while satan's real purpose was to bring about the evil we have chosen... ." "The Father's Tale", p. 496, Michael O'Brien

Quid est Veritas?

Kat said...

So...we should boycott the better product by purchasing the worse product that has the goal of causing more evil? I'm so confused.

Good thing I'm not an abortion-only voter, and also disagree with the democratic ticket on sexuality, marriage, religious freedom, ESC research, and parental choice - several of which are part of the pope's five non-negotiables. *Phew* Dodged a bullet there.

Kat said...

Oh, unless, RF, you're saying we've got a write-in-candidate that we've got enough people on board with to bring in more votes than Obama's expected to get. I'd be happy to sign myself up to that plan. Otherwise, writing in "Mickey Mouse" is the vote-counting equivalent of leaving the ballot blank or not showing up at all.

Darla Meyers said...

There appears to be hypocrisy in some generalized statements about voting, statements that we wouldn’t make in the case of a boycott. In Minnesota, there is a campaign to secure a one man one woman marriage by state Constitutional amendment. There are yard signs all across Minnesota asking people to vote Yes to the Marriage Amendment. Right next to these signs are Romney/Ryan signs. When I ask people Do you realize that Romney legislated sodomitic acts in Massachusetts?, I receive The Big Yawn. The desire to kill the messenger is very strong. How can a person vote (rightly) for the Marriage Amendment and then encourage people to vote for Romney, someone who legislated sodomitic acts in Massachuetts? Mass Resistance

In Minnesota (again) there was a person who ran on a third-party ticket for Governor of Minnesota. He defeated the Republican Party candidate and the DFL Party candidate. Enough people believed that the third-party candidate could win, and he did. His name was Jesse Ventura, and he beat out St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman and Attorney General Skip Humphrey. Stephen Stone has brilliantly pointed out the hypocrisy of those who say a third-party vote or write-in is the same as voting for Mickey Mouse, which is emotional gibberish and not logic. Don't Waste Your Vote on a Loser by Stephen Stone

Stone points out that if that were the case, all Democrats in Utah are wasting their vote, as there’s no way that a Democrat will win against Romney in Utah. Is the Democrat Party discouraging people from voting in Utah? Taking that same logic trek, no Republican should vote in Illinois, because chances are very high that Obama will take Illinois. Is the Republican Party discouraging their Republican voters to not vote in Illinois? After all, wouldn’t it be a wasted vote?

Be courageous and Vote No to the culture of death. Viva Christo Rey!

American Life League Voter Guide

“This is a big moment for Catholic voters to step back from their party affiliation,” said Archbishop Lori. “The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil no matter what the circumstances? If that’s the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn’t be voting for such a person.”--Archbishop William Lori

Anonymous said...

As a faithful Catholic, I refuse to accept the choice of bad and worse. I also do not accept that I'm "throwing my vote away" if I vote for someone not in the two major political parties. I would only be throwing my vote away if I chose not to vote at all. Would someone in Illinois, clearly a blue state, be wasting their vote by casting it for Romney? Obviously not. I will stand before God some day in judgement and I assure you that He will not ask me if I had been a good Republican OR Democrat. He will ask if I had been faithful to His Word. HE is my plumb line, my truth, my anchor. It is my faith in HIM and HIS truth that will be my guide in how I vote. I choose NOT to vote for the lesser of two evils. I will not vote for a member of any cult: Jehovah's Witness, Scientologist or Mormon. And you shouldn't either.