Wisconsin exit polling: Large swing to GOP in Catholic vote

The Washington Post has a nice tool to view exit polls for the election.  In Wisconsin, there was a 9 point swing in the Catholic vote.  In 2008, 53% voted for Obama.  In 2012?  Only 44%.  Yes, it's hard to believe how any Catholic could vote for him, but that's a pretty big swing.  It also noted possibly a slight uptick in the Catholic turnout. 


Cassandra said...

Don't be optimistic about that 9%. It's probably those who were concerned about the economy, not those who suddenly became opposed to abortion.

John said...

Cassandra, I wouldn't be so pessimistic. In the last several years, Wisconsin has received several excellent bishops who have replaced the liberal bishops of old. Confronted with the truth, Catholics are bound to accept it over time. The tide is turning in Wisconsin.