I will be attending this workshop. Maybe I'll see some readers there, too? See the
Office of Worship for more information and registration form (to be uploaded).
Vatican II & the Liturgy
What did Vatican II say? What still needs to be done?
Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, presenter
Pope Benedict XVI invited us to take a fresh look at the documents of the Second Vatican Council during the Year of Faith. Join internationally known liturgist, Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, for a fresh look at what was called for by the Council and what still needs to be done.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Saint Maria Goretti Parish
5313 Flad Avenue, Madison (
10 a.m.–noon
Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB |
Right Reverend Marcel Rooney, OSB, has spent his life learning and teaching about the liturgy, music, and sacred art. He has now formed the Orate Institute of Sacred Liturgy, Music and Art based in our diocese. His deep knowledge and faith, combined with wit and insight, connects with both the novice and scholar.
Abbot Marcel’s comprehensive DVD boxed set,
“Reflections on Holy Mass” will be available for sale.
Registration and more information:
- Before February 28: $4 per person / $2 each for 5 or more from the same parish
- March 1-9: $6 per person / $4 each for 5 or more from the same parish
In case of inclement weather on March 9, call (608) 821-3081 for a status update.
While it is very important that liturgists and musicians attend a workshop like this, would it not perhaps be even more important for priests to be there? The buck really stops with them...
I will let you know how many priests I encounter there.
If my schedule allows, I hope to attend. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! It looks great.
Other Anon, you are right, though I can say, I think with some confidence, that in the Madison diocese (and probably all over America) most of the priests ordained in the past 10-12 years or so are already on board. These men are just starting to move into the real power positions (pastors, etc.) and I can't tell you how many times I have seen situations with a solid young pastor having to hit the ground running at a parish where an "old guard" of liturgies and musicians are used to doing things just a certain- "spirit of Vatican II"- way and it is these people who really needed to be targeted by the kinds of educational efforts as this.
Yes, this is very true. All of the priests being ordained (at least Madison) are very traditional, and are quite on board with everything. I know almost all of them, and I know this first hand.
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