Michael Voris: Why not Burke?

For the record, I think that Voris is a bit to optimistic here about the problems of the Church disappearing overnight. I find it hard to believe though that the media would not cover someone so clearly well suited for the office. They will not even call him divisive, just ignoring him... This fact makes me think they fear that it is a real possibility(or maybe they feel by mentioning Ratzinger last time around actually boosted his chances).


Anonymous said...

I think you are partially right about the fact that some in the media aren't even mentioning him on purpose (fearing they would actually help his chances even if they were critical of him), though you should also factor in that Cardinal Burke is a very humble and pious man who really does shun hype and attention, frankly the lack of mention of him in the media is a testament to this admirable aspect of his character, he is a quiet worker in the vineyard.

Al said...

The only reason they couldn't ignore Ratzinger last time was because of the role he played. He had to be more visible because of his responsibilities. Otherwise, I suspect they would have ignored him last time like they are doing to Burke.
Meanwhile, Pope Leo XIV is sounding better all the time.

James K Savonarola said...

Its not just the MSM but the Cardinals make no mention of him even in passing seems like (which I could be wrong).

Badger Catholic said...

I agree. It may be that there isn't any support for him... But I find it really hard to believe there is really any support for Dolan either, even though he's talked about all over the place.

James K Savonarola said...

The Dolan thing is a Media thing, when you represent New York and they have nothing to cover because they wont cover, scratch that, they wont point out the issues with the POTUS they need someone to talk about and hes like a big teddy bear. Father Barron keeps bringing him up as well but seems like another case of Americanism (he even brought up Wuerl, Lord help us!) being further perpetuated by the media. My rule of thumb though is the less hes talked about outside the more he can do inside without dismissal