Judge: Dairy farmer’s religious beliefs not relevant in raw milk trial, War on Milk continues

A Loganville dairy farmer’s religious beliefs do not absolve him of certain legal responsibilities, a judge ruled Monday.

Attorneys for Vernon Hershberger, who faces criminal charges involving unlicensed dairy production and food sales, argued their client’s Christianity prevented him from contesting action related to the case.

“None of (the religious tenets cited by Hershberger) prohibit, on their face, the exercise of any secular rights,” said Sauk County Circuit Court Judge Guy Reynolds as he gave his oral ruling Monday.

In June 2010, inspectors with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection raided Hershberger’s farm and sealed coolers of food. They ordered him to discontinue sales.
continue at Reedsburg TP

I'm not sure religious exemption is the way to go here.  How about throw Big Ag out of Madison entirely. 


1 comment:

Aged parent said...

This gets stupider and stupider with every passing hour. Since the Wisconsin Legislature passed the raw milk bill while the execrable Jim Doyle was governor, why don't they bring it back and pass it again? Are they afraid Mr Walker would veto it, too?

If Walker did veto such a bill that would say quite a lot about his seriousness in wanting to get Wisconsin out of the mire it has been in for decades upon decades upon decades.