FatherZ: The “Novus Ordo” bottle of wine from Chicago

From a reader:

When I was in Chicago, I picked up a bottle of wine called “Novus Ordo.”  When I brought it back home for a priest friend he insisted that we create an appropriate wine stopper capturing the “spirit” of Vatican II.

Of course we had to honor Bugnini and even Rembert Weakland who where responsible for creating such a magical liturgy.  And to mark their lasting success we crowned them with a rainbow and fluffy unicorn!

… All sitting on an orb of shinny glitter and rainbows.

continue at Father Z



Terry Nelson said...

I saw this and I definitely think someone should manufacture these. It's hysterical.

TAq said...

How very charitable. What's with hating on Bugnini? Some of his proteges are still in the Curia.

Badger Catholic said...

You mean other than the fact he was a Mason? Bugnini is seen as the father of the throwing the baby out with the bath water approach to the liturgy(a "new" liturgy as opposed to a "reformed" liturgy).

TAq said...

Have you actually read his publications on the liturgy? Do you have confirmation that he was a mason? Or are you just participating in posthumous slander?

Badger Catholic said...

Google the word "Bugnini." Don't shoot the messenger, You asked why he was being picked on so I explained. I'm not saying that's what I believe(or what I don't believe), I'm saying that's why he's on the bottle of Novus Ordo Wine.

TAq said...

I've googled him; I've read things by him and about him. I'm very familiar with who he is. It seems like this is just the typical arrogant jab I've come to expect from Fr. Z.

Badger Catholic said...

“It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it” - GK Chesterton