Marquette Philosophy Chair Livid Over Criticism of Politically Correct Instructor

Just this past Sunday, we blogged about an instructor in Marquette’s Philosophy Department who refused to allow a class discussion of gay marriage because if any student voiced opposition to gay marriage, that would be “homophobic” and might offend gay students.

We were just at lunch at the Tory Hill Cafe (in the Law School) with some colleagues and a Political Science job candidate.

We were accosted by Nancy Snow, Acting Chair of the Philosophy Department. She said [paraphrasing] “now you are picking on graduate students” [utterly ridiculous!!] in reference to the instructor, one Cheryl Abbate, who is indeed a graduate student.

She added “I’m so mad at you” and added “your student is lying.”  [A hefty charge]

We responded we have the audio, Nancy.”  She repeated “your student is lying.” She further claimed the student should not have recorded the conversation. Suspecting that he was going to be called a liar, he was smart to do so.
continue at Marquette Warrior

Why not just defend or discuss the issue?  What is the Philosophy Department's policy on discussion on potentially "offensive" issues such as "gay marriage?"

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