Across ArchMil - week of November 30th 2014

From the Chancery

Marquette President-Mike Lovell, Living Our Faith Radio, YouTube. "Join Archbishop Listecki & co-host Jeff Jackson for a spirited chat about faith, higher education, stewardship and running with Marquette University's new president, Mike Lovell."

Big Things, Catholic ID video, YouTube. "Small things we do in Christ's name, become magnified for God's purpose."

Advent is the church telling us to slow down, Herald of Hope column by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, Milwaukee Catholic Herald. "Advent is a time of preparing for the multiple comings of our Lord into our lives. Yet there is still one more coming that all of us must be prepared to encounter. At a time we will least expect it, God will call us out of this world."

Pope Francis' prayer intentions for December, Prayer & Worship blog.

U.S. Bankruptcy Court (E.D. Wis.)

Letter calls on Vatican to investigate Milwaukee bankruptcy, by Marie Rohde, National Catholic Reporter. "Documents in the court file show that legal and administrative fees have reached $18 million. 'There is enough money to compensate attorneys but not victims survivors,' the letter states." ...
"'It was the inability to settle lawsuits in 2010 that led to the Chapter 11 filing,' [archdiocesan spokesman Jerry] Topczewski said. 'You’ll recall that the archdiocese offered $4 million to settle lawsuits to that group of people.'" (I can see why someone would want the logic of that math investigated.)

At the Seminaries, Monasteries, Convents

Institution of Acolyte, Saint Francis de Sales Seminary. "... Adam Bradley and Matthew Rapple were instituted as acolytes in the Roman Catholic Church by Bishop Donald Hying. Both men are studying at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary for the Diocese of Green Bay."

In the Milwaukee Catholic Herald

Understanding of the Eucharist will come 'later', In Exile column by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, Milwaukee Catholic Herald. "One day, during a military skirmish [in the Algerian War], Christian [de Cherge] was taken captive by the Algerian [FLN] army. His friend, Mohammed, intervened and convinced his captors that Christian was sympathetic to their cause. Christian was released but, the next day, Mohammed was found murdered, in retaliation for his role in freeing Christian."

Construction on 'Pope Francis' house continues, by Colleen Jurkiewicz. "During the final week of Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity’s 30th build season earlier this year, dozens of volunteers began framing work on five homes in the Washington Park neighborhood. One of these houses had a special resonance with the Catholic community – as well as a crew of mostly Catholic volunteers."

Around the Parishes and Schools

'Homecoming' in Racine, by Anne Trautner, Milwaukee Catholic Herald. "[Racine's] Cristo Rey parish was formed about 35 years when a group of St. Patrick members wanted to start a Hispanic parish. The group began meeting in the building across the street from St. Patrick, until it acquired the former St. Mary Church building in 1983. ...
"Now, the two groups are reunited as one parish."

$1.2 million grant to fund iCenter at St. Francis Parish, by Ricardo Torres, Milwaukee Catholic Herald. "A partnership between the Housing Authority, the Adult Learning Center, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board, PNC Bank, and Milwaukee Public Schools, the new information technology center will take people step by step from a GED diploma to a career in information technology."

Priest, musician team up for parish mission, CD, by Karen Mahoney, Milwaukee Catholic Herald. "She {Anna Nuzzo] and Fr. [Domenic] Roscioli met several times to discuss the music that would accompany the priest’s stories and they created an album. 'Believe,' a compilation of six original songs and six inspirational stories, was released before Thanksgiving. The two will share some of those stories and music while hosting an Advent mission at St. Anne Parish [Pleasant Prairie], Dec. 8-10."

Christmas concert to benefit Catholic Charities, December 13th at St. John the Evangelist, Greenfield; December 14th at Immaculate Conception, Milwaukee (Bay View).

Lay Organizations

Newsletter December 2014, Catholics United for the Faith, Milwaukee Chapter. "Plan to attend the annual Christmas/[Msgr. Alphonse Popek] Birthday Dinner on Sunday, Dec. 14"

Newsletter December 2014, Casa Maria Catholic Worker, Milwaukee. "Drone Protest…Once again Casa Maria joined the monthly protests outside Volk Field at Camp William’s in northern Wisconsin. This is a drone operator training facility right in our backyard!"

December 2014 Newsletter, Catholics for Peace and Justice. "Wisconsin can cut its prison population in half. Actions taken in 2015 can make it happen."


Esolen on Real Liturgical Music, Dad29. "The horizontal worship. It isn't just the music, or the flopsy-mopsy motions often used. Sometimes it's the cutesy/folksy applause-line 'announcements', too."

Be Not Afraid: A Book of Quotes for Catholic Men, by Sam Guzman, The Catholic Gentleman. "Among this great company of saints were countless manly men who knew that holiness is the highest calling, the supreme vocation of every man."

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