Spotlight on Madison priest's unsolved homicide

Eighteen years ago on March 4, 1998, Father Alfred Kunz, a traditional Catholic priest of the Diocese of Madison, Wis., was found brutally murdered. The case remains unsolved.

Click here to watch a 2015 WMTV (NBC) news segment – which includes a brief interview with yours truly – on this case.

While I'm not privy to the forensic evidence collected by investigators, I do know there are two men considered by law enforcement officials to be persons of interest/suspects in the murder. The men, who likely have no connection to each other, were known to both Father Kunz and his late friend, Father Charles Fiore, who died of natural causes in 2003. One of the men was, and perhaps still is, considered the prime suspect.
continue at Renew America

HT Fr. Rick

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