Pope wants investment in mercy with hospitals, schools

Cindy Wooden of Catholic News Service reported at Crux on remarks by Pope Francis at a Saturday prayer vigil and today's Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday.
"As a reminder, a 'monument' let’s say, to this Year of Mercy, how beautiful it would be if in every diocese there were a structural work of mercy: a hospital, a home for the aged or abandoned children, a school where there isn’t one, a home for recovering drug addicts — so many things could be done," the pope said.
Here in our Archdiocese of Milwaukee, I remember that at one of Archbishop Dolan's early gatherings around 2004 a gentleman used the Q and A to suggest reopening St. Mary's parish in central Milwaukee. Nine inner city parishes had been merged into two in the mid-1990s. Reopening one now could accept our Pope's suggestion.

P.S. For Seinfeld fans, it recalls an episode we might here call The Popy Remark.
POPE FRANCIS "so many things could be done."

JERRY: "Well, of course it could be done! Anything could be done! But it only is done if it's done. Show me the levels! The bet is the levels."

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