Bishop Robert Morneau, retired from Green Bay Diocese, withdraws from public ministry due to failure to report abuse

A retired Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay has withdrawn from public ministry, saying he regrets his failure to report the abuse of a minor by a priest.

Diocese newspaper "The Compass" printed a letter from Bishop Robert Morneau to current Bishop David Ricken. Morneau says, "I failed to report to local authorities an incident of abuse of a minor by a priest in 1979 and, as a result, this priest was able to abuse again several years later."

Morneau continued, "I intend to spend my time in prayer for all victims and survivors of sexual abuse and I will do corporal works of mercy in reparation for what I failed to do."

"The Compass" reports Morneau is referencing the case of former priest David Boyea. Boyea was convicted of first degree sexual assault of a child in 1985.

Boyea was ordained in 1973. Morneau was bishop in 1979.

"Looking back, I should have handled this situation differently than I did at the time. At the time, I was asked by the family of the victim to arrange an apology from the offending priest, which I did. I felt at the time I had done what was asked of me by helping the parties to reconcile," Morneau said.


The Compass: Bishop Morneau requests withdrawal from public ministry
Bishop Robert Morneau, retired auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay, has requested and has been granted a withdrawal from all public ministry. In a letter dated Sept. 14 and addressed to Bishop David Ricken, Bishop Morneau stated that he failed to report to authorities an incident of priest sexual abuse of a minor in 1979.

“As a result,” wrote Bishop Morneau, “this priest was able to abuse again several years later. … I intend to spend my time in prayer for all victims and survivors of sexual abuse and I will do corporal works of mercy in reparation for what I failed to do.”

In a separate letter, Bishop Ricken acknowledged the request.

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