Newly renovated sanctuary at St. Michael Church in Dane

DANE -- Msgr. James Bartylla, diocesan administrator, celebrated a Dedication Mass for Blessed Trinity Catholic Parish at St. Michael Church in Dane on March 17.

“The first day we celebrated Mass after the sanctuary was redone, and I went in and was kneeling there praying, I almost became emotional, because it reminded me so much of the church as it used to be,” said Jeff Karls, parishioner and school principal.

“That was the church where I received First Holy Communion and where I went to school when I was a boy here. It was so strikingly similar to the old church. But it was also so beautiful.”
continue at MadCatHerald

Sorry all I could find is the low res image on the MadCH, I didn't see any other better images on the parish website anywhere.  If any readers can pass some along I'd be happy to post. 

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