From a friend.
I went to Mass last night at the chapel in the Catholic Cemetery devoted to Our Lady of Sorrows. What a magnificent place it is steeped in symbols of our blessed lady, Jesus and the church. Fr. Louis offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which was well attended. It was great to see nuns in full habit there too. I am not sure what order they are from but the both wore a brown habit with long black veils. One wore a black scapular and the other a white scapular. Are familiar which order this might be? I asked Fr. Louis if he knew who the sisters were and he did not know. All I can say is that it was refreshing to see these young nuns unashamed to wear a full habit and living out their vocation as brides of Christ. Their silent witness to their Spouse is humbling and enough to reduce one to tears.Any ideas? The only order in La Crosse that wears their habits are the Sisters of the Martyrs of St George, but I think they wear black habits and their postulants wear grey habits. There are many new faces over there though. If you wish to contribute mysteriously yourself, you can comment Anonymously on this post or send me an email and I will. My wife attended last night and she also didn't know who they were. I knew I should have had her bring the camera.
Franciscan Daughters of Mary from Coventry KY
Mother Seraphina and Sr. Catherine here on retreat. Our Lady of Guadalupe is this new order's Patroness.
1 comment:
Great news to hear of this new community!
God bless them in their consecrated lives of love and service to Our Lord and His Church.
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