University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

Umm, an interesting PR week for UWL.  We first find this story:

UW-L students charged in sexual assault with a foreign object on another male 

I don't need to give you the details but you read that correctly. That was retribution for winning a card game apparently.   

Today the Tribune reports that the city council decided to decriminalize pot possession and make it a minor municipal violation instead of a criminal violation(against the police chief's recommendation).  And low and behold, a student at UWL speaks:
"We're very happy with the recent decision," University of Wisconsin-La Crosse student Chris Herbst said.

"It's easy to say no. It's not easy to speak out for something that has this large of a social stigma."

Parent: So Mr. Recruiter, what kind of students attend UWL.....
Recruiter: *breaks into cold sweat* Ummmmm, our student body, is uhhh, diverse.....


Anonymous said...

I suppose losing a card game is a pretty poor excuse for such behavior. Perhaps a better reason would be because the last time you did it to an alter boy, your parish didn't see fit to reporting it to the police.

Parent: So Father, what kind of boy are you looking for in an alter boy.

Priest: *breaks into cold sweat* Ummmmm...a nice smile and an affinity for communion wine?

Badger Catholic said...

Oh my gosh take a joke dude. I am a FAN of UWL for cryin out loud. It's a GOOD school. These stories appeared front page back to back days. And you spelled altar boy wrong.

I hardly think ripping on gays is an appropriate way to fashion your comeback. Of course, I'm not a bigot though.