Salvation Army and their pro-abortion position

Before you drop your hard-earned change in the Salvation Army’s red kettles, make sure you know what you are funding.

The Salvation Army devotes a portion of their website to their positions on various social issues, such as human trafficking, euthanasia and abortion. You can find their position statement page here.

On the issue of abortion: “The Salvation Army recognizes tragic and perplexing circumstances that require difficult decisions regarding a pregnancy. Such decisions should be made only after prayerful and thoughtful consideration, with appropriate involvement of the woman’s family and pastoral, medical and other counsel. A woman in these circumstances needs acceptance, love and compassion.”

While that statement may sound understanding and accepting, it is a far cry from the simple position of, “Our organization opposes all abortions, because we believe each human life is sacred and valued before God.” The Salvation Army’s posted statement is, unfortunately, a fancy way of supporting, at the very least, abortions in the exceptions cases – rape, incest, life of the mother and fetal deformity.  Click here to read our position on why abortion is never the answer.

Research done by Life Decisions International [LDI] sheds more light on the subject. LDI has posted an interview from Der Bund, a Swiss newspaper, conducted with Salvation Army General Shaw Clifton (the General directs Salvation Army operations throughout the world).

Speaking on behalf of the Salvation Army, Clifton stated, “We are not as conservative as our catholic brothers and sisters. There are situations in which abortion is the lesser evil, for instance in cases of severe deformities of the fetus, [or] rape.” Discussing birth control and sterilization, “The Salvation Army encourages the use of birth control methods that are contraceptive… The Salvation Army does not oppose sterilization as a means of contraception. However, because it is generally irreversible in nature, such a procedure should be undertaken only after full consideration is given to spiritual, moral and practical ramifications.” The full text of LDI’s article on the Salvation Army can be read here (page 8).

In addition, Human Life International has an excellent article about the Salvation Army, United Way, UNICEF and other “good” causes that don’t always promote goodness. Click here to read.

The Salvation Army meets every three years to elect a new “General.” The next meeting is January 22, 2011. To that end, if you feel passionately about the Salvation Army and hope to influence the upcoming 2011 elections, we have made available coupons that you can download and put in the kettles.
 Pro-Life Wisconsin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this article interesting. There are several issues that need correcting. The Salvation Army as a whole is opposed to abortion. Your interpretation of the mission statement is incorrect. For decades the Salvation Army ran "Home & Hospitals" for women who were pregnant so that they wouldn't have abortions. The Salvation Army is very conservative and has sought God's direction since its inception. Lastly, our election of the General (our international leader) is done in a like manner to the Catholic election of the Pope. A small body of our international leaders (called Commissioners) meet in seclusion and elect the next General. You would have about as much success swaying the vote for the General as you would for the Pope.