Franciscan Sisters welcome largest group of postulants since 1992

MANITOWOC — The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity motherhouse is home to four new postulants — the most since 1992.

Sister Elaine Turba, the directress of postulants, remembers being one of 10 new postulants when she arrived at the motherhouse in 1977.

Sister Elaine said she’s pleased to see this many new postulants:

“I think we have more postulants this year because there’s more openness to the fact there’s value to religious life.

“I believe people have always been called to religious life. It sometimes takes time before that call is realized and is seen as a way of serving the Lord.”

Postulants are young women who come to the motherhouse with the intent of discerning further if they feel that is the place the Lord is calling them.

This year’s postulants include Lindsey Lanier(Luling, La), Leslie Hammond Gonia(La Crosse), Holly Larson(Neenah) and Karol “Rose” Pearson(Highland, Ark).

All of the postulants arrived at the motherhouse in August and attend Silver Lake College. Some of them also help with religious education classes in the area.

The women are postulants for about 10 months, then become novices for two years. After that, they request to profess vows, which are renewed annually until they profess perpetual vows.

Herald Times Reporter - Manitowoc

The article goes on to interview each of the ladies.  Really nice piece for a secular paper.  Go ahead and read, it's a bit to long to post in it's entirety.

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