MN parishioners pushing to eliminate Adoration times

Please join me in prayer for the Holy Hour at St. Joachim's Catholic Church in Plainview, MN.  It has  been under attack, however more fierce as of late.  The angry villagers have been ranting and raving again about our Eucharistic Lord being offensive to non-Catholics.  Please pray for this most needed way to worship Jesus.  The Church, both here and universally, needs this continued prayer for renewal.  Join us in person, if you can, and in spirit if not.  St. Joachim's has Perpetual Adoration of the Exposed Blessed Sacrament from Tuesday morning through Saturday in the Chapel.  The Saturday Holy Hour with Confession, Adoration, and Benediction begins at 3:30PM -every Saturday- before the 4:30PM vigil Mass.  Please show your support.  Numbers talk and silence the, mmmmmm, well see above picture.
verso l'alto

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a lot of details here. What's going on?