Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin to celebrate teenager featured on MTV's abortion show

On Dec. 28, MTV aired a half-hour special, “No Easy Decision,” telling the stories of teenagers who had abortions. Watching the show, you can see how abortion continues to affect these women. Read an article by Jill Stanek about her observations here. You can watch the show here on MTV’s website if you haven’t seen it yet.

Fast forward to Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin’s marketing/event planning department. Someone there thought it would be a good idea to celebrate MTV’s show and a post-abortive teenager at the same time! One of the teenagers featured on “No Easy Decision” currently lives in Milwaukee (and is named by PPWI in their marketing of the event).

PPWI will be hosting two screenings of “No Easy Decision” — one in Milwaukee and one in Madison – and PPWI is advertising that the young woman will be in attendance to push abortion.

It is sad beyond belief that this young woman is allowing herself to be used by PPWI. We can only pray for healing for her. As one of the young women said on the show, “I wouldn’t choose abortion as the first option for anybody. It’s the toughest decision ever to make in your life.
ProLife Wisconsin 

I didn't watch the show, but whether they chemically burned the child out or sucked his brains out with a vacuum will probably not be topics of discussion.  PP hopes to celebrate death and call it "decision."  Remember when MTV was a station that had something to do with music?  Now they market abortion as fashionable.  Know that our Pro-Life movement is having an effect.  The billion dollar abortion industry will do anything to protect it's investment in unsuspecting mothers and their children.

1 comment:

Kat said...

So, in other words, we're seeing a subtle change in the "choice" message. Now it's not only a matter of having the "right," but actively promoting the idea of being a hero if you overcome the obstacles to make that decision and follow through. Clever.