Milwaukee Journal Sentinel prints letter to the editor from Milwaukee partial-birth abortionist

Partial-birth abortionist Fredrik Broekhuizen had the below letter-to-the-editor in the June 11 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Broekhuizen stated, in part [comments in bold]:
I am appalled that my patients’ well-being [just the patients outside the womb] doesn’t matter to our state Legislature, whose Joint Finance Committee has voted to stop the Planned Parenthood clinics in Wisconsin from receiving state and federal grants (“Budget to rein in aid for family planning,” June 4).

I spent a day recently at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Milwaukee [where I ripped babies limb from limb] screening patients for cervical cancer. This basic health care saves lives, and as the medical director of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, I am proud to provide it. Most of our patients are uninsured or underinsured and have nowhere else to go [A, not true; B, and once a child is ripped limb from limb and tossed in the trash, it doesn't have anywhere to go].

I am proud that some Planned Parenthood clinics offer abortions along with cancer screenings, contraception, prenatal care, testing for sexually transmitted infections and other vital services. Safe clinical settings are needed where patients can find physicians to have safe, legal abortions [how's that working out for Illinois?]. Countless studies [sponsored by Planned Parenthood] have demonstrated that access to comprehensive reproductive health care improves women’s health [since it is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization]and saves their lives.
Broekhuizen is the “medical director” at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. He is also a practicing physician at Froedtert/Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee in their “fetal concerns program.” Broekhuizen performs abortions at Froedtert, which we already know for a fact.

Broekhuizen testified in U.S. District Court in 2004 about how he does abortions and admitted much of the same in Planned Parenthood v. Doyle in 1999.

Partial-birth abortion is STILL legal in Wisconsin up to the moment of birth, since the “exceptions” cases were written into the law [document here from the State of WI]:

The law does not prohibit a partial-birth abortion when required to save a woman whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness or physical injury and there is no other medical procedure to save her. These life-endangering circumstances include those caused by the pregnancy.
In his letter-to-the-editor, Broekhuizen fails to note his career as an abortionist. Interesting, because as little as 7 years ago, while testifying in District Court in 2004, Broekhuizen went into graphic detail about how he performs abortions, what the best method is, and so on. Seems like the title of “abortionist” is no longer something to be proud of.

1 comment:

Badger Catholic said...

Best comment on this was James Wigderson on Twitter:
@jwigderson Sending Gordon Hintz up to speak for Planned Parenthood Funding is like Anthony Weiner endorsing Polaroid.