When beer goes bad.....

Milwaukee area folks have a a couple weeks worth of Theology on Tap sessions coming up.  Great news right?   Uhhh, not sure who's putting it together buuuuut, the topics sound a bit... tipsy. 
- 7/12 Subsidiary and the Common Good: Catholic Social Teaching in Action Robert Shelledy
- 7/13: Where is God in Our Lives (Interfaith Panel ) Rabbi Steve Adams Dr. Patrick Russell Emad Abu Tabanjeh
- 7/14 I’m looking for Some Inner Peace - Forgiveness and Compassion in Everyday Life Mary McHugh [LOL!!]
- 7/19 A Muslim Dialogue Janan Najeeb
- 7/ 20: Interfaith Relationships and Marriages: Where Do We Go From Here? Mary McHugh

Let me just say that it might take a whole lot of beer to sit through some of these talks.

Which reminds me, we had a pretty good turnout for La Crosse's Theology on Tap on Tuesday night.  But, uhh, at one point our good priest seemed to be supporting von Balthazar's error that it is possible that no one is in hell, including Judas.  Von Balthazar's theory seems to contradict Augustine and Aquinas, not to mention Christ himself.  I suppose maybe there is a fear that youngsters would be offended by a teaching as heavy hitting as hell.  But the Church has been one place that still supports the doctrine of free will.  God doesn't force salvation on anyone, which the theory would seem to conclude.  But I digress....


Joe @ Defend Us In Battle said...

Beer me!

Seriously- wow... beer me again just for good measure.

wolskerj said...

What a shame. It seems to be an iron law that any successful and popular effort to educate or teach the Truth will eventually attract the notice of those with political agendas, who then attempt to use it as a vehicle to spread their more narrow "truth."
Theology on Tap, the Public School System, the Church itself - all just more or less useful propaganda machines.

Unknown said...

The Milwaukee one sounds like a snooze-fest. Theology on Tap has a proud reputation for being rock-solid. Somebody is trying to usurp it.

Bringing up the von Balthazarian hypothesis about nobody being in hell is a common mistake among otherwise solid Catholics for some reason. I think it stems from an inability to articulate the distinction between doctrine which is absolutely true and theological speculation which can be dead wrong.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for the one titled called Pro-Life: The Value of Life by Tim Dewane. Dewane is the director of the Global Justice and Peace Office for the Sisters of Notre Dame. Sounds fabulous.

Badger Catholic said...

And people wonder why Catholic drink...